Convergent Phase Training

One of my central operating paradigms is the realization that all methods, devices, philosophies and techniques involved in strength training have specific benefits and drawbacks. If your training lacks sufficient diversity, you'll accumulate the drawbacks and habituate to the benefits. And that ain't good.

Tsunami Training

I'm going to describe a little 6-week program that I call Tsunami Training (I'll get to why I call it that a little later). It's based, for the most part, on training methodologies that I picked up from Ian King and Charles Poliquin, with some razzle-dazzle thrown in by myself.

Workout Du Jour 1

It occurred to us that our website didn't really contain any workouts. I mean, if you, the loyal reader, just wanted to log on and pull out a new workout, you couldn't do it. You'd probably have to resort to pulling out a copy of Ironman or something (shudder).
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