January 4
Tip: Fix Your 3 Biggest Rowing Mistakes
Having a hard time building your back? Here's the problem and the solution.
January 2
Tip: The Missing Piece of Leg & Core Training
You need this hip adduction exercise for structural balance, injury prevention, and even better glutes.
December 31
4 Drills for Bulletproof Hamstrings
You can't build them if you're always working around an injury. Make your hammies resilient AF with these fun drills.
Tip: The Sidewinder Row
Put maximum tension on the lats and prevent your forearms from burning out. Result? A bigger back.
December 30
Fully Functional Hips in 15 Minutes
A program to increase hip strength and mobility that can be done anywhere in a short amount of time.
Tip: Strong Bench, Puny Pecs
Your PR is pretty darn good, but your chest is, well, sad. Here's why and how to fix it.
December 28
Are Back Squats Overrated?
Barbell back squats are actually not the king of leg exercises. Here's why and what to do instead.
Tip: How Often Should You Change Your Workout?
That's a good, but somewhat complex question. Here's the nuanced, smart answer.
December 25
Tip: Jacked With a Purpose
Here's how to get more explosive and agile while still looking like a badass.
December 24
Tip: The Right Rows for Thickness and Width
Back thickness requires a different approach than back width. So grab your dumbbells and get both... like this.
December 23
The Squat: One Barbell, No Weak Points
You don't need machines or crazy bars to strengthen your squat. Here's how kill your sticking points with just a basic bar.
Tip: 8 Unconventional Core Exercises
Hit your entire core with these somewhat odd, but incredibly challenging, moves.
December 22
Fully Functional Shoulders in 15 Minutes
A program to increase shoulder strength, endurance, and mobility that can be done anywhere in 15 minutes. Check it out.
Tip: Bigger Quads, Healthier Knees
This exercise hits the portion of the quads that gets neglected by regular squats. Bonus: You can do it anywhere.
December 21
Big Quads, No Squat Rack
Training at home? You don't need a ton of equipment to build impressive quads. Try these five proven exercises.
Tip: One Exercise for a Bedroom Butt
Build stronger glutes, a bigger deadlift, and a better-looking bum with this exercise.
December 19
Tip: The Perfect Way to Overhead Press
This variation allows you to lift heavy without messing up your shoulder health. Check it out.
December 18
Tip: 3 Little-Known Ways to Improve Athleticism
Not many people talk about these methods for getting faster and more powerful. Let's fix that.
December 17
The Deadlift: One Barbell, No Weak Points
All the accessory lifts you need for a bigger deadlift can be done with a barbell. Just identify your weak points... like this.