July 20
Tip: No Need to Wait So Long Between Workouts
New research says you don't have to wait 48 to 72 hours before working the same body parts again. Here's the science.
July 19
Tip: The Bodyweight Squat Test
There are a lot of strength tests out there, many unrealistic. But here's one that you and everyone else should be able to pass.
July 18
Tip: The Overhead Press Test
Can you pass it? Here are the rules.
Reeves Deadlift: The Classic Lift Upgraded
A new look at the forgotten movement that played a big part in creating one of history's most admired bodies.
Tip: The T-Shirt Bench Press
Set a new PR on the bench press by preparing for it with this ego-crushing technique.
July 17
Tip: Squat Like a CAT
Use this training method to perfect your technique and build explosiveness out of the hole.
July 16
The 7-Day Nutrition Challenge
Try one of these dietary approaches to kickstart your fat loss, crush your bad habits, and challenge yourself with something new.
July 15
Tip: What Your Number One Goal Should Be
It doesn’t matter if you want to lose fat or build muscle. There’s something else you need to do first.
July 14
Tip: Why Natural Lifters Can't Grow (Much)
Aside from their deficiency in bodybuilding drugs, most natty lifters make two training mistakes. Here's how to fix them.
Tip: Your Chin-Up is Weak and Ugly. Let's Fix It.
Are you swinging back and forth? Are you struggling to get even a couple of good reps? Here's what to do.
July 13
The Best Damn Workout Plan for Natural Lifters, Part 2
Not using drugs? Then stop training like someone who is. Here's how to milk your training for all its worth when taking the natural route.
Tip: The World's Fittest Athlete
Are the top CrossFitter's really the fittest all-around athletes? Here's one strength coach's opinion.
July 12
Tip: Reps & Techniques for Size Gains
Get back to the basics of hypertrophy training with these proven methods.
Big Bench, Big Chest: 5 Training Secrets
Little-known tips on bench pressing, chest development, and shoulder health that your coach or clueless personal trainer never told you.
Tip: The 20-Percent Experiment
Get a better workout every single time you walk into the gym. Here's how.
July 11
Tip: Do Something Fast Every Day
Everyone needs a little power and speed training, even bodybuilders. Here's why and how to slide it into your program.
July 10
The Zig-Zag Method For Serious Size
The biggest muscles aren't built with one exercise. They're built by hitting them from all angles. These supersets will get you there.
Tip: The New-Exercise-Only Week
Flex your programming muscles, make your joints feel better, and accelerate progress. Here's how.
July 9
Tip: The Intuitive Training Challenge
It's time to let your instincts take over, for a while at least. Ditch your workout plan and try this.