Strength-Focused Mesocycle

Over the past year or so, I've been swamped with requests from readers who want a program that focuses solely on maximal-strength development. What I'm referring to is a maximal-strength focused program that doesn't induce bodyweight from hypetrophy.

The Mutation Series - Part 3

In this last installment of this series, I want to give you a quick three-week physical peaking routine designed to help you gain some more muscle while increasing muscle density. You should also be able to lose more fat in this stage.

The Success Quiz

There's nothing more frustrating than committing to a training program that doesn't pan out. This is equally true for an athlete who might work hard yet still falls short of his expectations and the strength coach whose biggest satisfaction comes from the great strides his athletes make.


Improving your GPP (General Physical Preparedness) will assist you in virtually every aspect of training. Here’s how to do it.