May 24
Matt Kroc is More Man Than You
Elite powerlifter Matt Kroc lives by a code that drives him to do things we find scary and inspiring.
A Complex Approach to Quads & Hams
Think that complexes are all about fat loss? Not so fast, chicken legs.
How I Train
They publish umpteen workouts, but do they practice what they preach? Take a peek into the workouts of John Romaniello, Clay Hyght, and Nick Tuminello.
May 17
Inside the Muscles: Best Ab Exercises
After hooking himself up to a bunch of electrodes, the author discovers the best exercises for building a rock-solid midsection.
May 10
Sucker Punch: Dan John
An in-depth discussion with Highland Games competitor, thrower, coach, teacher, and wise man of the iron game, Dan John.
Brutal Trisets for Sluggish Muscle Groups
The way we see it, there are two types of lifters: those who like trisets, and wusses. Here's an article for the former.
Pull-Up Strength: The Missing Link
All the pull-up routines in the world won't help you get more reps or build bigger muscles if you’re missing this important factor.
May 3
Death March: The NSW Mile
Got a couple hours on Saturday? We suggest loading up a heavy bar, putting it on your back, and walking a mile.
Favorite Supersets
Supersets can help you gain more muscle in less time, but only if you know how to pair the perfect exercises.
Your Training Split Sucks!
Three experts give you three training splits guaranteed to pack on muscle.
April 26
Old School Tempo Training For More Muscle
Tried and true tempo training may be just what you need to reignite muscular gains. Here’s how to do it.
Blood and Chalk 5
Jim Wendler returns to talk assistance exercises, peaking for meets, and why losing your lunch sprinting up a hill is a good thing.
3 Kick-Ass Programs For a Better Bench
Everybody wants a bench press that gets noticed. Here are three sure-fire programs to get you pushing some serious iron, fast.
April 19
Inside the Muscles: Best Leg, Glute, and Calf Exercises
After hooking himself up to a bunch of electrodes, the author discovers the best exercises for building monster legs.
The Strongest Gym on the Planet
Would you have the balls to train at a gym where screaming in pain and puking are everyday occurrences?
Density Training for Fat Loss
One of the most challenging and effective fat loss methods you'll ever try.
April 12
The Tao of Boyle
38 years of under-the-bar experience, the best exercises, and why back squats still suck.
Introducing High Volume Tier Training
Increase strength, decrease fat, and improve conditioning-at the same time? Sound like guru voodoo? Well, then keep reading...
April 5
The Dirty Dozen: 12 Tips for Heavier Pulls
Nothing gets you more jacked (mentally and physically) than pulling eight plates or more off the ground.