April 5
Dave vs. Dog: The Throwdown
Two certified bad asses training hard. 'Nuf said.
April 4
Iron Evolution – Phase 3
Powerlifting's prodigal son returns bigger and stronger to bending bars, busting PR's, and tearing pecs.
April 1
The Mirror Hypothesis
We lifters love the mirror, but are we better off without it? You decide.
March 29
Bulletproof Your Body
Common weaknesses and imbalances and how to fix them.
March 24
Train Like a Man!
Choose high-tension exercises for high-testosterone results.
March 22
18 TAT (Tension Alteration Technique) Movements
Tom Furman unearths and revitalizes an old forgotten technique to extend sets. Remember not to kill the messenger when the paralyzing pain hits you.
March 21
PLP: The 60-Day Challenge
Increase muscle gain and accelerate fat loss in just a few minutes a day with this simple supplemental workout.
March 17
Building the Supersoldier
Your mission? Develop the 6 physical qualities necessary to become an ass-kicking warrior. Here’s how to do it.
March 15
8-Week Basic Strength Plan
Being stronger in the basic barbell lifts makes everything else you do in the gym easier. Here’s how to do it.
March 9
Cool Diagnostic Tests
A body that's out of balance is an injury waiting to happen. Here are some diagnostic tests (and remedies) that even the guy who hates diagnostic tests will love.
March 8
Upper-Back Training for Deadlifts
Your pull is only as strong as your weakest link, and for many, it's not the lower back that's holding you back.
March 7
Lose Fat, Stay Strong
Lose the love handles without becoming a weakling. Here’s how.
March 3
Goblet Squat 101
"The goblet squat is the single best lifting movement of all time," claims coach Dan. Here's how to perform this powerful exercise.
March 2
Build Brutal Leg Thickness
If you're interested in putting size on your legs, it's time to start loving the often ignored and much-maligned leg press again.
March 1
Blood and Chalk 9
Training raw versus with gear, a strong grip, and the importance of hitting PR's even when your life's in the dumper. You got questions, the Hellraiser has answers.
February 28
Iron Evolution – Phase 2
Zubaz pants, Hotskinz tights, and matching fanny packs. Dave Tate survived bodybuilding in the '80s - and learned a few things along the way, too.
February 25
What I Learned in 2010
Cressey doesn't miss anything. Stuff he didn't miss in 2010 includes the myth of symmetry, zones of convergence, the complete overuse of barefoot training, and the dangers of zits.
February 24
Two Seconds to Peak Performance
Make better gains starting today. Here’s what you need to know about Active Isolated Stretching.
February 23
Shattering Your Plateaus in 3 Steps
A short, simple, brilliantly logical program for busting through training plateaus.