December 31
Train Like A Man 8
This workout challenge looks easy… on paper. But just wait until you actually try it.
December 28
Stretching Doesn't Work
Stretching and mobility aren't the same thing. Here’s what you really need to know to move better and feel better.
December 27
Does Everyone Need to Squat (Deep)?
You gotta' squat butt-to-calves, right? Or is it butt-to-floor? Thighs-to- parallel? The answer is... it depends.
December 26
6 Interesting Things About Strength
Some things you know about strength, some things you thought you knew, and some things you plain just don't know.
December 24
Foam Rollers Are For Wimps!
All hail a smarter, more effective, more efficient, and decidedly manlier approach to corrective exercise.
December 21
7 Tweaks To Make Your Exercises More Evil
Here are some simple tweaks to take a few basic exercises to a whole new level of muscle-building awesomeness.
December 20
6 Coaches Weigh in on Pull-Ups
You know you should be doing pull-ups. But what's the best way to attack them? Six of our coaches tell you what works for them.
December 19
Gutting the Glute-Ham Raise
The glute-ham raise sounds like a winning butt-builder. But will it even do that? Here's what the glute-ham raise is good for and what it isn't.
December 18
8 More Random Thoughts and Training Tips
Forged from the fires of Mount Randomness come 8 tips to help you get bigger, stronger, leaner, and healthier.
December 17
A Tried and True Bodybuilding Program Template
Want to design your own kick-ass training programs? All you need is the perfect template based on 20 years of trial and error.
December 14
4 Gadgets to Amplify Upper Body Mass
Barbells and dumbbells reign supreme, but here are four other gadgets that deserve some attention.
December 13
5 Tips for Bigger Deadlifts
Great little-discussed deadlift tips like "weld your spine," "ribs down," and "push the knees out."
December 12
Is Your Leg Strength Up to Snuff?
Can you do 220-pound Bulgarian split squats for 6 reps? If not, delete the words “Strong Dude” from your business card.
December 11
Conditioning is a Sham
According to Rippetoe, you're better off training strength than you are training conditioning. Here’s why.
December 10
The Contreras Files: Volume V
Fifteen more workout tips from Bret Contreras, including assisted one-arm push ups, the merits of heavy back extensions, the benefits of the "clam raise," and more.
December 7
The 11 Body Part Split
There are plenty of splits that train all 11 body parts, but do you know the pros and cons of each?
December 6
5 Killer Trap-Bar Deadlift Variations
The trap bar is now considered must-have gym equipment. Here are some cool variations to help you get the most out of it.
December 5
5 More Hacks To Reinvigorate Your Training
Five methods to satisfy your need for training variety, including "going nuts on the last set," "reward sets," and "rolling the dice."
December 4
The Virtual Bench Press Seminar
The first rule of fixing your bench press is admitting your bench sucks. The second rule is that you must read this article and learn about the set-up, grip, ascent, and descent.