March 9
The Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises
In the world of bodyweight strength training, the possibilities and challenges are truly limitless. Are you ready to take them on?
March 6
The Best Way to Row, Period
Barbell rows are a staple for building a big back and an overall stronger body. And using an underhand grip makes them even better. Here's why.
March 5
3 Shoulder Killers to Avoid
Three trendy exercises that wreck your delts and keep your orthopedic surgeon in business. Plus the exercise you need to do to fix your shoulders.
March 3
The Rep Bible
There's more than one way to do a rep. You have to choose the right rep style for your specific goal. Here's your guide.
March 2
6 Deadlift Tips for Non-Powerlifters
You don't have to be a powerlifter to benefit from the deadlift, but you do need to train the lift differently for your unique goal. Here's how.
February 27
The Cure for Chicken Calves
Train calves first and train them every day, from multiple angles and with high-volume, and watch them explode. Here's your workout plan.
February 26
Know Your Ratios, Destroy Weaknesses
Strength ratios reveal weaknesses. And weaknesses must be destroyed, whether you're a bodybuilder, Olympic lifter or football player.
February 25
Lifter's Elbow: The Cause & The Cure
Three common things you probably do in the gym that will wreck your elbows, plus a few smart tricks that'll fix you right up.
February 24
Delts on Fire
If you're a hardgainer in the delts department it's time to ramp up the way you've been training delts. You need the Big Delts Workout.
February 23
Squat the Fat Off
Use these workout finishers to lose fat, build your legs, and see how tough you really are.
February 18
The 5 Best Ways to Get Stronger
Strength gains come fast when you're a newbie. Here's how to keep building brutal strength as an advanced bad-ass.
February 16
Core Confusion
You don't need ab exercises, just squat and deadlift, right? Wrong! Turns out the studies were misinterpreted. Here's what really hits your core.
February 13
The Best Way to Lift Weights
“Eccentric isometrics” are probably the best way to increase strength and size. As a bonus, they'll help you to move like a tiger and feel awesome.
February 12
4 Anabolic Metcon Workouts
Some lifters avoid conditioning work because they're afraid of losing muscle... and their athleticism and waistlines suffer. Here's the fix.
February 11
The Most Intelligent Way to Warm Up
For heavy lifting, drop the dumb warm-up sets and do ramp-ups instead. You'll get stronger, build more muscle and avoid injuries.
February 6
Stop Doing Box Jumps Like a Jackass
Box jumps are great for building athleticism and muscle. Trouble is, most people do them stupidly. Let's fix that.
February 4
Ditch The Barbell Bench Press
Good benchers often have rotten chest development. The problem? Barbell bench pressing. Here's how to fix it.
February 2
The Complete Guide To Shoulder Training
You probably have at least one puny head of the delt. And it makes you look funny. Here's how to tell which one's being lazy and how to fix it.
January 30
Arnold's Agonist-Antagonist Training
Train opposing muscle groups together, like Arnold did, and you'll build more muscle in less time while also developing muscular balance.