December 16
Tip: Start Every Workout With Pull-Ups
Use these two workouts to build your biceps and overall awesomeness. Check 'em out.
Tip: For Delt Gains, Increase Time Under Tension
Constant time under tension mimics occlusion training and stimulates growth. Try this workout.
December 15
Tip: Do this Exercise to Build Biceps and Abs
This variation of the cable curl strengthens the core and biceps at the same time. Here's how to do it.
5 Mistakes That Wreck Body Composition
Don't make these stupid (but common) mistakes when you're dieting for fat loss or trying to build as much muscle as possible.
December 14
Tip: Do a Standing Glute Squeeze Every Day
Thirty seconds a day is all it takes to wake up your glutes and improve lifting performance. Here's how to do it.
Dips: You're Doing Them Wrong
Dips build tons of muscle and strength while also being therapeutic for the shoulders. Yes, really. Here are 13 tips to help you do them right.
December 13
Tip: Do Paused Shrugs for Bigger Traps
Shrugs work for building traps, but most people do them wrong. Here's how to really make them work.
December 12
Tip: Stop Doing Static Stretching
Regular stretching often does more harm than good, especially for lifters and strength athletes. Here's why.
Tip: Stop Doing Fasted Cardio
To keep muscle and lose more fat, do morning cardio in a "post-absorptive" state. Here's how.
December 11
Tip: End Every Workout With Your Worst Lift
Pick one lift and do 3-4 sets at 80% of your max at the end of every training session. Here's why.
Increase Athleticism in 6 Minutes
Five simple things you should do daily to increase your athletic functioning.
Tip: For Deadlifts, Put Your Armpits Over the Bar
This puts you in a safer, more efficient position for big pulls and new PRs. Here's why.
December 10
Shut Up and Get Strong
Want to lose fat? Get strong. Want to build muscle? Get strong. Want to be a better athlete? Get strong. Here's why and how to do it.
December 9
Tip: Do HIIT Followed by Steady-State Cardio
Intervals break down fat. Do steady-state cardio afterward to make sure that fat gets burned. Here's how.
December 8
3 Ways to Build Old School Strength
The lifting greats knew how to get strong long before drugs and long before science came along to prove their methods. Here are their best secrets.
Tip: Do the Skater Squat to Get Stronger
It's challenging and it'll make you a better barbell squatter. Here's how to do it.
December 7
The 5 Most Common Deadlift Mistakes
Are you making one of these all-too-common technique mistakes? Check out these straightforward tips.
Tip: Make the Bulgarian Split Squat Even Tougher
Use this exercise and you'll squat more weight for more reps. Here's how to do it.
December 5
Tip: Change Your Rep Ranges for Size & Strength
There are better set/rep schemes out there than 3x10, especially if gains have stalled. Check these out.