March 27
Tip: Use the Bus Driver Exercise for Delts
Looks odd, but it'll hit your shoulders in a way that other delt exercises can't. Check it out.
March 26
Tip: Fire Up the Lats to Deadlift Better
Getting the lats to engage is a game changer for a big deadlift. Try this training technique to make it happen.
Tip: Use Cluster Sets for Size & Strength
Cluster sets have always been great for strength gains. Here's a new twist on them that'll maximize hypertrophy too.
March 25
Tip: For Muscle Growth, Chase the Pump
The pump isn't just a temporary cosmetic effect, it's essential for muscle growth. Check out this science.
I, Bodybuilder
No hype, no exaggeration. How to build muscle as fast as humanly possible. Get the plan here.
Tip: Build Traps with Overhead Shrugs
You don't see many people doing this one. Of course, you don't see many people with great traps either. Check it out.
March 24
Tip: Build Triceps With Mechanical Drop Sets
Extend the pain to extend the gains. Try this smart technique to build those lagging tri's.
Total Core Training for Lifters
To train the core musculature properly, you need to do the right exercises at the right time. Here's your complete guide.
Tip: Build Your Mind-Muscle Connection
It's not broscience, it's science-science. And here's why you need it for optimal muscle growth.
March 23
Tip: Try the Heavy Density Lifting Method
These monster sets are so tough you should only use them for three workouts in a row. Check 'em out.
Use Rollers and Lacrosse Balls for Gains
Break up the scar tissue that reduces flexibility, contractibility, and blood flow using a roller and a lacrosse ball. Here's how.
Tip: Use Instinctive Training Wisely
The fancy term for it is autoregulatory training. Here's how and when to use it.
March 22
Tip: Do the Power Snatch from the Hang
It's the single best exercise for power athletes. Here's why and how to do it.
7 Tips for Long-Legged Lifters
Tall people generally have to work harder and longer to develop legs. Here's how to speed up the process.
Tip: Don't Reach for the Bar With Your Chin
It's one of the most common technique mistakes with chin-ups. Here's why and how to avoid it.
March 21
Tip: Train the Same Muscle Two Days in a Row
For better gains, hit a muscle hard and heavy one day, then again the next day with lighter pump work. Here's why that works.
DOMS: No Pain, No Gain?
Does getting sore actually lead to more muscle growth? Can you get big and strong without getting sore? The answers here may surprise you.
Tip: Do Cable Pullovers for Great Lats
The cable beats the dumbbell for this classic bodybuilding exercise. Here's how to do it.
March 20
Tip: Train Biceps Daily for 4 Weeks to Grow
If you have hard-to-grow biceps, this specialty plan is made for you. Check it out.