June 15
Tip: The Best Lunge for Hard Glutes and Pain-Free Knees
Not only will this lunge variation work better on your saggy ass, it's also safer on the knees. Here's exactly how to do it.
Tip: Build or Preserve Muscle At All Times
Losing fat doesn't have to mean losing muscle. And building muscle doesn't have to mean gaining fat. Here are the facts.
5 Primer Exercises to Boost Your Big Lifts
Do these exercises before you squat, bench, or deadlift and you'll not only lift more weight, your movements will be smooth, sexy, and pain free.
June 14
Tip: Test Things Out and Commit
Here's something that successful lifters and athletes do that you should be doing too.
June 13
Tip: Try Blood Flow Restriction Training
Popular with hardcore bodybuilders, this method can also be used if you're rehabbing. Here's how.
The Colorado Experiment: Fact or Fiction
It's one of the greatest bodybuilding stories ever told. And people have been talking about it for over 40 years. But is it true? Here's the real story, written by a man who actually knows.
Tip: Do the Squat-Stance Deadlift
Is the conventional deadlift or the sumo deadlift better? For many of us, a combination of the two is best. Here's how to do it.
June 12
Tip: Do Zottman Curls for Bigger Biceps & Forearms
Build biceps and forearms with this challenging exercise. Check it out.
Tip: Take the Two-Squat Challenge
Two types of squat, 20 reps, a little pain, a lot of gain. Are you up for it? Check out this nasty leg workout.
June 11
Tip: Dump the Seated Leg Extension, Do This Instead
Most standard leg exercises are "missing" a very important quad muscle. Here's how to target it to build stronger legs.
June 10
10 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able to Do
If strength, health, and longevity are what you're after, then you should be able to easily pass these tests. If not, you have work to do.
Tip: Hit Your Abs in a Whole New Way
Warning: This abdominal-focused tri-set will leave you sore as hell. Do it anyway. Here's how.
June 9
Tip: Build Your Chest With Bands & Iron
This is really going to hurt, but you'll love the results you'll get in chest and triceps growth. Try these two exercises.
5 Things Big Strong Guys Do
Here are five habits of highly effective lifters that you should adopt. Or just keep sucking. It's up to you.
June 8
Tip: Do the Work. Don't Blame Genetics.
Genetics make a difference, but don't lose hope. Smart training and eating will maximize what your parents gave you. Here's the deal.
Tip: Use Box Breathing to Regain Focus
Here's a trick used by strongman competitors to increase performance that you need to use too.
June 7
The Holy Grail of Sports Training: EMOM Sets
EMOM sets are magical. They train the body to fire motor units faster, more explosively, and more powerfully. They even improve technique. Here's how to do them.
Tip: Do the Bridge Press For Pecs
This underrated chest exercise builds pecs, delts, and triceps. No bench required. Here's how you do it.
June 6
How I Added 100 Pounds to My Deadlift in 2 Weeks
Just by changing how his training was laid out over the week, the author was able to hit new PRs and reach a whole new level of muscularity. Here's how you can too.