August 20
Tip: Pinch Grip Strength
Strength athletes train their crushing grip strength, but often neglect pinch grip strength. Here are some new ways to train it.
Tip: Pop Your Sacrum to Squat Better
Your glutes won't fire properly if your sacrum is out of alignment. Try this and save a trip to the chiropractor.
Tip: The Unexpected Effect of High-Protein Diets
Research shows that protein does more than just help with muscle growth. Check it out.
August 19
Tip: The Best Way to Do Flyes
Make this exercise work even better for pecs. Here's how.
Tip: A Better Way to Build Forearms
Wrist curls stress the tendons and don't work very well. Here's a better option.
August 18
Tip: The Z Press
This lift can be used as a tool to train for strength and mobility, along with overall health of your muscles and joints.
Tip: Improve Your Squat Mobility
Fix your ugly squat by squatting. Here's how.
The Right Way to Do Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging leg raises are great if you do them correctly. You're probably not. Here's how to do them the right way.
Tip: A Smarter Way to Build Your Neck & Traps
Build and strengthen your yoke, without risking injury. Here's how.
August 17
Tip: Control Your Squat
Some lifters have great mobility, but low control when it comes to squats. Here's what they need to know.
Tip: High-Step Wrist Rolling
The wrist roller is a proven grip and forearm builder. Ramp up the time under tension by standing on a step. Shoot for 30-60 seconds of constant tension.
Tip: Master the Behind-the-Neck Push Press
This safer way of pressing behind the neck is also a powerful shoulder builder. Check it out in action here.
Tip: A Better, Stricter Way to Barbell Row
Better results, less risk of injury. Try this unique and effective back exercise.
August 16
Tip: Jettison Lateral Raises
For wide delts, overload the top half of this exercise with bands. Or use dumbbells plus bands. Drop the bands upon failure to extend the set.
Tip: Overhead Press, Front Squat Challenge
Start with 10 presses and 20 front squats. On the next set, do as many presses as you can, then double that number for front squats. Continue until jacked.
Tip: The Best Arm Exercises for Long-Armed Lifters
If you have long arms, it's tougher to build biceps and triceps. Use these exercises to bring them up.
Tip: Avoid the Carb Cults
It's time to relax and use some common sense when it comes to carbohydrates. Here's a reality check.
August 15
Tip: The Chin-up/Push-Up Countdown Challenge
Alternate between chin-ups and push-ups, doing twice as many push-ups. Example: Start with 10 chins and 20 push-ups. Goal: 30 chins, 60 push-ups total.
Tip: The Glute-Ham Raise
Lucky enough to have a glute-ham raise machine around? Awesome. Now use it correctly. Here's how.