March 18
Bad Sleep Makes You Fat, Kills Testosterone
Not only does bad sleep make you overeat the next day, it also lowers your natural testosterone levels. Here's why and how to sleep better.
March 11
Take This to Stay Lean After Dieting
Getting lean is fairly simple, but how do you stay lean? This healthy supplement helps your body resist fat regain. Here's the new science.
March 7
Lower Blood Pressure With This Tasty Food
Can a simple food lower blood pressure and increase blood flow as well as prescription medicines? Yes, says researchers. Here's what to eat.
February 21
Resveratrol Benefits: Body Composition and Health
The list of resveratrol benefits keeps growing. Here's what it does, the foods that contain it, the supplement dosage to take, and more.
February 18
Polyphenols: Benefits, Foods, and Supplements
You've heard about the impressive health benefits of polyphenols, but what are they exactly and where do you get them? Info here.
February 4
How to Prevent Muscle Loss When Dieting
Bad diets cause you to lose more muscle than fat. One bad habit will make muscle catabolism 60 percent worse. Prevent muscle loss like this.
January 14
The Mineral Deficiency That Kills Your Gains
Can a mineral deficiency cause impaired muscle gains, difficulty losing fat, and even bad moods? Yep. Here are the minerals athletes need.
December 24
Build Muscle: Increase Androgen Receptor Density
Why do some guys build muscle easily while others struggle in spite of training hard and eating enough? Science has figured it out.
December 17
Nootropics: The Supplements That Make You Smarter
Crank up your brain power, boost mood, and get the edge over the competition with nootropics like NALT. Here's where to get it legally.
December 5
Anxiety & Depression Treatment: Can a Mineral Help?
If you're low in this mineral, it could bring on the symptoms of depression. Could fixing the deficiency be a depression treatment?
November 6
4 Pro Tips For a Fast Workout
Spend more of your gym time working on what matters. Here are four simple ways to set up, clean up, and get a fast workout.
August 13
The Testosterone Booster You Need to Take
This simple ingredient has been proven to boost testosterone, build muscle, and burn fat. Check it out.
August 6
Tip: Inhibit Fat Cell Formation With These Berries
A specific type of berry may help you to halt the creation of fat cells and get rid of the fat you already have. Here's the science.
July 16
Tip: Shuttle Calories to Muscle, Not Fat
Improve your insulin sensitivity, starting with your next meal. Here are six ways to do it.
June 8
Tip: 3 Exercises That Beat Boring Planks
Pretending to be a 2-by-4 is not an effective exercise. Do these 3 core movements instead and help make planks obsolete.
June 7
Tip: 3 Ideas to Help You Understand Technique
Read this and you'll know more about the causes of poor form and how to fix it than any form Nazi in your gym.
June 6
Tip: Sleeping With a Steroid User
Would a female fail a drug test after canoodling with an anabolics-using bodybuilder? Here's the scientific answer!
June 5
Tip: Soreness – Good or Bad?
It's a trickier subject than you think. Here's what you really need to know.
June 4
Tip: Can Anyone Build 19-Inch Arms?
Is there a secret to building big arms? Well, kinda. Here's what you need to know.