August 12
7 Squat Dilemmas Solved
Squat stance, knee flare, bar placement, hip and knee break, foot position. Find out what works best for you.
August 9
The Best Set and Rep Scheme for Your Goal
What's the best set and rep scheme to get big? What about to get strong? How about to get faster? Here's your answer.
August 8
Fit Enough to Fight
At some point, you may have to physically defend yourself or your loved ones. Are you bad enough to brawl?
August 5
5 Training Rules You Must Obey
We all make mistakes, but here are 5 things you better be getting right if you want to build muscle and get strong.
August 2
The Hub and Spoke Method
A new way to organize your workouts to quickly boost a lagging lift or stubborn muscle group.
August 1
Contrast Training For Power and Explosiveness
Contrast sets are one of the most effective ways to develop power and teach you to accelerate the bar. Here’s how to do them.
July 31
Explosive Days for Muscle and Strength
Training to be explosive is a triple win: you get stronger, bigger, and leaner at the same time. Here’s how to do it.
July 29
8 New Exercises for a Thicker, Stronger Back
Deadlifts and rows will build an impressive back, but targeting the thoracic extensors will take your back to the next level.
July 24
5 Deadlifting Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Every deadlift eventually stalls, and the number one reason is technique related. Here's how to find the right fix for your ailing pull.
July 22
Smash 3 PRs in One Month
Train the assistance lifts more like the big three and watch your personal records fall like dominoes. Here's the full plan.
July 19
How to Build a Powerful Neck
Weak neck, weak body. Here's the best way to build that pencil-neck.
July 17
Deadlifting With T-Rex Arms
Most long-armed lifters are built for deadlifting, but here's what to do if you're cursed with short, stubby arms.
July 15
The Farmer's Walk Cure
This simple loaded carry will get you bigger, stronger, and leaner. Here's how to do it right and work it into your training plan.
July 11
Build Explosive Speed
Train slow and you'll be slow. Train explosively and you'll become a powerful, lighting-fast animal. Here's how.
July 10
5 Tips From The Trenches
In-the-trenches coach Ben Bruno talks fat-grip work, recognizing training bias, and the power of the Dead-Squat Bar.
July 4
Elite Wisdom
Dave Tate is not a motivational speaker. He just kicks your butt into gear by telling you the cold hard truth. So listen up.
June 30
7 Brutal New Upper Body Exercises
Chest, shoulders, and triceps stopped growing? Here are seven new ways to blast them.
June 27
40 Squat Workouts in 8 Weeks
To make fast gains in the squat you have to squat more frequently - a lot more frequently. Here's how to make it work.
June 24
The Truth About Overhead Pressing
Overhead pressing is awesome... for some people. For others, the landmine press will build bigger delts.