April 8
Log Your Training Like a Boss
If you're not recording your workouts, you're wasting your time. Here are the essentials your training journal needs to contain.
April 7
5 Things Exercise Nazis Get Wrong
They advocate good form and safety, but are they keeping you small and weak? Train like a fragile flower and you'll look like one too.
April 3
11 Guidelines for a Great Bench Press
Weak benchers do flyes, pec deck, and machine presses – everything except what they need to be doing, which is bench, bench, bench.
April 2
The Truth About Barefoot Training
The barefoot-training trend started strong, but ended with armies of people with gimpy feet. They were on the right track, though. Here's what they did wrong.
March 31
No More Strong Fat Guys
You don't have to be fat to lift a ton of weight. And the right kind of conditioning will accelerate recovery and make you stronger.
March 30
5 Simple Ways to Get Stronger
You can make strength training really complicated or you can make it really simple. Let's keep it simple and get wicked strong.
March 27
Top 5 Exercises for Real World Performance
Functional training doesn't mean doing silly circus tricks with baby weights. Here are five functional exercises that actually work.
March 17
Bodybuilder Breaks World Squat Record
Pro bodybuilder Amit Sapir shattered the world record in the raw squat. Ten minutes later, he did it again. Here's how.
March 9
The Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises
In the world of bodyweight strength training, the possibilities and challenges are truly limitless. Are you ready to take them on?
March 6
The Best Way to Row, Period
Barbell rows are a staple for building a big back and an overall stronger body. And using an underhand grip makes them even better. Here's why.
March 3
The Rep Bible
There's more than one way to do a rep. You have to choose the right rep style for your specific goal. Here's your guide.
February 26
Know Your Ratios, Destroy Weaknesses
Strength ratios reveal weaknesses. And weaknesses must be destroyed, whether you're a bodybuilder, Olympic lifter or football player.
February 18
The 5 Best Ways to Get Stronger
Strength gains come fast when you're a newbie. Here's how to keep building brutal strength as an advanced bad-ass.
February 13
The Best Way to Lift Weights
“Eccentric isometrics” are probably the best way to increase strength and size. As a bonus, they'll help you to move like a tiger and feel awesome.
February 11
The Most Intelligent Way to Warm Up
For heavy lifting, drop the dumb warm-up sets and do ramp-ups instead. You'll get stronger, build more muscle and avoid injuries.
February 6
Stop Doing Box Jumps Like a Jackass
Box jumps are great for building athleticism and muscle. Trouble is, most people do them stupidly. Let's fix that.
January 29
Total Athleticism: The Workout
Strong. Fast. Agile. Crank up your awesomeness with this simple, challenging workout strategy.
January 28
5 Reasons Your Program Isn't Working
Most so-called workout programs suck. It's time to choose a goal, pick a plan, and stick to it for at least 12 weeks.
January 26
The 10 Commandments of Lifting
These straight-talking, common sense “commandments” ought to be emblazoned on the walls of every lifting facility in the world.