August 17
Strong Traps, Healthy Shoulders
Everyone does shrugs for traps, but that's the worst exercise choice for some people. Here's how to train traps and keep your shoulders healthy.
August 15
Beyond the Farmer's Walk
If you're not doing these loaded carry exercises, then you're missing out on muscle growth, strength gains, and much more. Check out these 6 variations.
August 12
What Overtraining Is and Isn't
Most people who use the word “overtraining” have no clue what it really means. Are you one of them? Here's everything you need to know.
August 10
Push-Ups: You're Doing Them Wrong!
A lot of people can't do one proper push-up. And YOU may be one of them. Here are the most common problems and how to fix 'em.
August 4
Stop Lying About Your Overhead Press
Every man should be able to press .75 times his bodyweight overhead. If you can't, or can only do it using bad form, then this is for you.
July 28
The Best Training Method You're Not Using
This training method adds volume and builds strength, size, and endurance while getting you ripped. It's also fun. Here's how to do it.
July 27
6 Lifts to Fix Your Overhead Press
Improve your technique. Wipe out deficiencies. Get more weight over your head than ever before. Here's how.
July 23
Tip: Don't Do Straight Sets
Want to fire up your nervous system and stay strong from set to set? Try this method.
July 21
Build a Savage Squat: The 5 Best Methods
Squat stalled out? Stop pussyfooting around with it. Here's what to do to restart your size and strength gains.
July 20
The 3 Smartest Ways to Train Shoulders
Yes, you can build big strong shoulders without wrecking your joints. Here are three ways to do it.
July 14
5 Lies About Lifting Weights
You hear these silly things every day, even from coaches and trainers. Here's where they're getting it wrong.
July 12
The Most Hated Machine in the Gym
The Smith machine is used by bodybuilders, strongmen, and powerlifters. And they're bigger and stronger than you, hater. Maybe it's time you learn to use it right. Here's how.
July 5
7 Proven Squat & Deadlift Boosters
There's more to obliterating squat and deadlift sticking points than just increasing volume. Here are 7 ways to do it.
June 29
4 Movements For a Monster Deadlift
A weak deadlift is a sign of a weak body. Get your numbers up with these surefire variations. Here's exactly how to do them plus a workout program.
June 18
Tip: Avoid This Major Training Mistake
Want to get bigger and stronger? Then you're going to have to remove this bad habit from your life. Check it out.
June 15
5 Primer Exercises to Boost Your Big Lifts
Do these exercises before you squat, bench, or deadlift and you'll not only lift more weight, your movements will be smooth, sexy, and pain free.
June 10
10 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able to Do
If strength, health, and longevity are what you're after, then you should be able to easily pass these tests. If not, you have work to do.
June 7
The Holy Grail of Sports Training: EMOM Sets
EMOM sets are magical. They train the body to fire motor units faster, more explosively, and more powerfully. They even improve technique. Here's how to do them.
June 6
How I Added 100 Pounds to My Deadlift in 2 Weeks
Just by changing how his training was laid out over the week, the author was able to hit new PRs and reach a whole new level of muscularity. Here's how you can too.