June 25
Relationship Success: 8 Reasons to Marry a Fit Person
Fit people do it better. Marriage, that is. Here's why a big part of relationship success and compatibility comes down to fitness.
December 25
Merry Christmas, Bob
Time to spread some holiday cheer. Or, in this case, a little hardcore motivation.
December 15
The Ultimate Body Transformation Mindset
Want to lose fat, gain muscle, and achieve a real body transformation? Get your mind right and the body will follow. Here's how.
May 20
5 Ways Your Mind is Sabotaging Your Gains
Here's how your brain and personality type might be guiding you towards making the wrong decisions about training and nutrition.
March 15
Tip: Your Tools Are Not Your Identity
Your training style and diet do not define you. Here's how to disinvest, ditch your cultish tribe, and keep improving.
February 1
Shock Your System!
Gains stalled? Not looking forward to training anymore? It's time to mix things up and reignite progress. Here are 7 ways to do it.
Tip: Flex to Boost Your Willpower
Wanna skip that workout? Wanna eat that ice cream? Here's how to increase willpower instantly, according to science.
January 10
Reboot Yourself to Make More Progress
These training and diet strategies will serve as a personal reboot and have you in a whole different place, physique-wise, one year from now.
January 4
Tip: The Worst Thing to Say About Training
If you want to motivate a client, your spouse, or your training partner, the words you use are important. Here's the latest science.
December 11
Tip: It's Not Just Exercise!
Find a deeper meaning in training and your motivation will last a lifetime. Here's how to do it.
December 10
Tip: Fear is Fuel
Motivation is for newbies. To be successful over the long haul, you need to be haunted. Here's why.
December 9
Tip: 5 Ways to Stay Motivated... Forever
Want to be lifting hard and loving life for the next 50 years? Here's how to do it.
December 8
Tip: Lift For Life – The 5 Tips You Need
Here's what to do when you feel like quitting.
December 6
Tip: Why Do You REALLY Lift?
To be in it for the long haul, you need to come up with something deeper than just getting bigger or stronger. Here's what to do.
December 5
Tip: 3 Ways to Build Consistency
If there's one answer to every question about getting bigger and stronger, it's this: be consistent. Here's how to do it.
October 28
Tip: Double Your Strength Gains
How powerful is your mind? According to two new studies, VERY. Here's how to use it to get better workouts and more gains.
Tip: Boost Insulin Sensitivity with ACV
People have been using this stuff for thousands of years, and now science has its back. Here are three ways to use it.
October 23
Tip: 3 Ways to Get Your Motivation Back
In a slump? Bored? Here's how to get pumped about getting pumped again.
October 11
Tip: Motivation, Social Anxiety, and Fitness
Want to get a friend or loved one into the gym? Well, you're probably going about it the wrong way. Here's how to get them hooked.