March 14
Tip: White Rice or Brown?
Which one of the two, if either, is best for a lifter to eat? The answer seems obvious, but it's not.
March 13
Question of Power 4
Coach Carter tackles tricep growth, dietary restraint, and how to tell if you're ready to compete in bodybuilding. Check it out.
March 6
Ask Us Anything 03
Testosterone injection strategies, beating cravings, the best exercises, calf training, and the steroid controversy.
March 4
Tip: Carb Intake for Natural Lifters
Very low-carb diets reduce muscle gains in natural lifters. Here's why, plus a better plan.
February 28
Tip: Fat Loss and Muscle Retention
Do you have to lose some muscle to lose fat? Not really. Here are some calorie guidelines to get you started.
February 27
Tip: How Much Protein Should Natural Lifters Eat?
How many grams for hypertrophy phases? How many grams for fat-loss phases? Here's where to start.
February 26
Tip: The Insulin Factor
Every fat loss diet works via caloric deficit, but insulin plays a role too in body composition... and it's not always the bad guy.
February 22
Tip: The College Diet For Iron Addicts
What's a good diet for college kids who can't spend a lot? Get the answer here.
February 15
Tip: Training vs. Diet for Fat Loss
If you could only start by doing one thing, training first or dieting first, which would be best for long-term leanness? Answer here.
February 14
Ask Us Anything 02
We field your questions about female testosterone usage, losing fat while getting strong, and making gains on a budget.
February 13
The Big Fat Keto Diet Fail
Yes, if you eat fewer calories you'll lose fat. But the keto diet isn't superior for fat loss, and certainly not for muscle gain. Here's the science.
February 11
Tip: Don't Eat 6 Meals a Day
Eating 5 or 6 meals a day is a losing strategy that not only makes it harder to stay lean, but can also cause premature aging.
February 3
Tip: The Two Keys to Permanent Fat Loss
What's the best diet for losing fat? Answer: Any eating plan that contains BOTH of the elements discussed here.
January 27
Tip: Drink This Much Coffee to Repair DNA
Coffee's been shown to increase lifespan and it probably has to do with its protective effect on DNA. Here's how much and what kind to drink.
January 23
Ask Us Anything 01
In our new Q&A column, we field your questions about testosterone, carnivore diets, probiotics, how to eat more without getting fat, and more.
January 22
Ketosis: A Reality Check
On one side of the keto debate, you have the glassy-eyed cultish fans. On the other side, bread-scarfing haters. Who's right? Here are the facts.
January 19
Tip: How to Resist Junk Food, According to Science
Researchers have found a way to trick our brains into thinking that fast food and desserts aren't that delicious.
January 7
Tip: Garbage Macros, Garbage Physique
Calories matter of course, but if you're meeting your macro numbers with junk food, you're in denial. Here's why.
January 4
One-Rule Diets That Work Every Time
Keep it simple and get ripped. Here are 4 one-sentence plans that require a little discipline but not an ounce of overthinking.