October 19
4 Weeks to Big Arms
You can lie to yourself and say big arms aren't important to you. Or, you can follow this program for a month and finally build them.
October 18
The Biggest Exercise in Bodybuilding
Can you do 12 reps of clean and press with a pair of 75-pound dumbbells? It's been a test of strength since the 1930s.
October 16
Train Like A Man 7
Some exercises should go extinct. They do nothing for your strength, health, or hypertrophy. Here's what should take their place.
October 15
Tough or Reasonable?
Which are better, tough diets and tough workouts or reasonable diets and reasonable workouts? Maybe you need to mix and match a little.
October 10
11 Principles of Bodybuilding Training - Part 2
Some stunningly smart advice that you can start applying to your workouts immediately.
October 9
7 Ways to Make Your Training Efficient
To get bigger and stronger, you need to manage your body like you'd manage a business. Here are 7 ways you can make your workouts much, much, better.
October 3
11 Principles of Bodybuilding Training - Part 1
How often to train, how many sets, how many reps, whether to include power sets in your BB training, and more.
September 27
Functional Bodybuilding
Some people think hypertrophy isn't functional. Here's why those people are dead wrong.
September 13
High Frequency vs. Low Frequency
Do you trash a muscle and let it grow for a week or smack it around a little more often? Here's the run-down on finding the right frequency for you.
September 12
My Favorite Exercises: Muscle by Muscle
Not all exercises are created equal. Fact is, some just get the job done better than others. Here are one coach's favorites for each body part.
September 6
Serge Nubret Pump Training
In bodybuilding's Golden Age, few shone as brightly as Serge Nubret. Let's learn a thing or two from this recently departed legend.
September 5
Brutal Complexes
Get better at the Olympic lifts while whipping your sorry butt into shape with these three killer complexes.
September 4
4 Reasons You're Not Gaining Muscle
If your gains won't budge despite your best efforts, you may be making one of the four biggest muscle-building blunders. Fix them and grow.
August 29
Managing Training Stress
Here are a couple of simple but telling biofeedback tests to let you how well you're managing the stress imposed by training.
August 28
5 Old School Methods for New Muscle
Big is good, but big and proportioned is better. Here's how to grow while keeping your physique's fine lines in check.
August 24
Making Sense of Supersets
A lot of supersets just don't make any sense, physiology-wise. Here's some methodology to support your passion for pairing.
August 22
12 Programs to Follow
Twelve time-tested routines for size and strength. Pick one and get to work.
August 15
"Glue" Exercises Gone Wrong
You've no business searching for the latest gimmicky exercise if you're butchering basics like seated rows and push-ups.
August 14
6 Lessons Learned From the Master Blaster
Joe Weider was way ahead of science when he came out with his principles for building muscle. And now science is backing him up.