June 14
5 Ways To Make Face Pulls Even Better
Everyone needs to be doing face pulls. Period. Here are five new variations that'll boost shoulder health and muscle growth.
June 13
Tip: Don't Max Out Unless You're a Powerlifter
The one-rep max is a great way to brag about how much you can lift. It's also unnecessary for most lifters. Here's why.
Testosterone Advantage Training
Small arms? You need testosterone and GH. No, not the illegal kind. The kind you get when you use this science-backed training split.
June 12
Tip: Supinate for Bigger Biceps
Want bigger arms? Do the twist: supinate at the top. Here's how.
Tip: A Better Way to Military Press
It's safer on the shoulders and it'll build bigger delts than traditional overhead pressing. Take a look.
Today's Lifters Are Snowflakes
The modern lifter is being a pantywaist... and he doesn't even realize it. He needs a kick in the butt. Here it is.
June 10
Tip: The Leg Press for Quad Sweep
Keep your feet low, heels closer together and toes pointed out to really hit the vastus lateralis.
June 9
Tip: 3 Load Maximizing Tactics
Injured or rehabbing? You can still make gains using these lifting strategies.
Full Body Training For Advanced Lifters
If you think full body training is just for noobs, you're missing out. Here's how to bring back the gains with this advanced approach.
June 6
Tip: The Very Best Way to Row
There are two ways to row: super strict or super cheated. Both are incorrect! Here's how to actually row right for gains.
The Most Dangerous Exercise
You won't get strong, skilled, or jacked if you're always trying to heal from injuries. Here's what's causing the most problems.
June 5
Scrape The Rack For Growth
You've got to try this. You'll get more muscle activation and more growth, yet less wear and tear on the joints. Do it.
June 3
Tip: The Back-Off Chin-Up Workout
The fastest way to boost your chin-up strength. Check it out.
June 2
Tip: Build Better Pecs With Metabolic Stress
A simple, painful way to build a stubborn chest. Check it out.
The Biggest Lie in Fitness
What's the single biggest lie in fitness and bodybuilding? We ask 10 experts. They don't pull any punches.
June 1
Train Hard, Get Hurt, Keep Making Gains
Injured and worried about getting small and weak? Don't sweat it. Here's a plan that will allow you to keep making progress.
May 31
Tip: 4 Extended Set Techniques for Size Gains
Your set doesn't have to come to an end when you hit failure. Here's how to up the challenge and extend the set.
May 30
Tip: The Fighter's Lunge
Step back with one leg. As you come back up, lift the dumbbell with the thigh: flex your hip and raise your knee just above a 90-degree angle with the floor.
May 29
Tip: Upright-Torso Lunge
If your goal with lunge variations is to build quads, keep your torso upright and take short steps. Tibia should be vertical.