March 26
Romanian Deadlifts vs. Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
Bending over and picking things up doesn't need to be complicated. So let's clear it up. Here's the difference between these two deadlifts.
March 23
5 Supersets for Brutal Strength & Explosive Power
Building strength AND power will fast-track your physique and performance. Unlock your potential with these athletic supersets.
March 21
The 5 Worst Exercise Machines
Some exercise machines are useful, some are okay, and some are just dangerous. Here are the worst machines and several better alternatives.
March 19
10 Best Ab Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
You don't need a silly gadget or a space-hogging machine to train your abs and core. Here are the best ab exercises you can do anywhere.
March 17
6 Bodybuilding Lies Crippling Your Progress
Your gains won't come easily if you still believe these things. Replace these bodybuilding lies with advice that actually works.
March 15
Easy Muscle With These Unconventional Exercises
The basics work, until they don't. Stuck in a strength or growth plateau? Build muscle by adding these six exercises into your workout plan.
March 14
Get Bigger and Stronger: The Step Loading Method
Adding plates to the bar is one way to get bigger and stronger... until it stops working. What then? Try this proven training method.
March 12
Superset Workout: Push-Pull Combos for Gains
It's hard to beat a superset workout using the proven antagonistic training method. Try these six exercises and pair them up for gains.
March 10
Tri-Sets For New Muscle Growth
Three lifts in a row. Minimized rest. Add this unique tri-set and autoregulation method to your training to accelerate muscle growth.
March 8
The 6 Types of Squats Every Lifter Should Master
Hit leg day hard, but mix it up. Here are six types of squats for every occasion, injury history, and experience level. Tried them all?
March 7
Shock Effect: 3 Olympic Lifting Variations for Gains
See new muscle gains in four to six weeks by adding a couple of these powerful Olympic lifting variations to your workout plan.
February 28
17 Swiss Bar Exercises for a Full-Body Workout
The Swiss bar isn't just for bench pressing. Here's how to build your glutes, delts, arms, back, abs, and more without beating up your joints.
February 26
Build Muscle: The 3 Basic Methods You Need
Want to build muscle? Of course you do. So why aren't you using these basic hypertrophy methods in your training? Here's a refresher course.
February 23
What's in Our Gym Bag?
Dump out your gym bag and show us what you carry to the gym. That's what we asked our experts to do. Check out their show-and-tell videos.
February 21
The 4 Rules for a Big Back
Want a big back? Or an even bigger, even stronger back? Follow these four rules, target the right muscles, and try these unique exercises.
February 14
No-Fail Workout Tips for Gains
Why does training have to be so complicated? Well, it doesn't. Here are four workout tips that are easy to apply and always work.
February 13
The Nordic Deadlift
Looks odd, but this new deadlift variation will build your hamstrings and posterior chain strength like nothing else. Take a look.
February 12
Use the Repetition Method for Bodyweight Exercises
Get stronger and bang out more reps on bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, or muscle-ups with this proven strategy.
February 10
Straighten Up and Squat Right
A forward-leaning squat might help you lift more weight, but it also sets you up for small quads and other issues. Here are six solutions.