February 15
Tip: 3 Tips for a Perfect Curl
Stagger your stance, think bend and extend, and use the pane-of-glass cue to get the best results from standing curls.
February 13
Tip: Dumbbell Curl, Overhead Extension Superset
Finish off your arm workout with this intense superset.
February 5
Tip: Biceps Training That Wastes Your Time
Some biceps exercises look different but actually stimulate the muscles the exact same way, making them redundant. Here's what to avoid.
January 30
Tip: Incline Concentration Curl
For a more effective concentration curl, use an incline bench and forcefully squeeze the dumbbells together. Contract extra hard at the top.
January 29
Tip: Dip Machine, Heavy Negatives
Grab a partner and give this growth-inducing triceps exercise a shot.
Tip: Boost Biceps Growth, Instantly
Here's an easy way to improve your curl form, lift more weight safely, and trigger more hypertrophy.
January 28
Tip: Curls with 3-Second Negatives
The lowering phase of the curl is where a lot of the muscle damage, and thus growth, is created. Don't just drop the bar.
January 23
Tip: Single-Arm Machine Curl
Start your biceps work with hammer curls, then a preacher curl variation like the one here. For safety, finish with heavy barbell curls when you're biceps are fully pumped.
January 22
Tip: Cross-Body Hammer Curl
Nail the brachialis muscle between the biceps and triceps for bigger, wider arms. This cross-body variation of the hammer curl is my favorite.
Tip: The Best Rest Periods for Arm Growth
How long should you rest between sets if biceps and triceps size is your goal? Here's your guide.
January 17
Tip: Good Curl Form with Elbow Raise
Finish the curl with a shoulder flexion for a stronger biceps contraction. Don't let the traps raise up.
January 16
The Perfect Biceps Curl
Curls seem easy to master, yet most lifters are leaving some gains on the table. Use these science-based tricks to build bigger bi's.
January 13
Tip: Supersize Your Dumbbells and Barbells
Here's how to make your barbells and dumbbells more effective and build more carryover strength.
January 11
Tip: Towel Bent Row
This is a great bang for your buck exercise to work your upper back and grip at the same time.
January 10
Tip: The Best Exercise Order for Triceps
Build your tri's and avoid elbow pain by using this sequence for triceps training.
January 9
Tip: Thick Grip Neutral Pull-Ups
Strengthen your grip by doing your pull-ups or chin-ups with a thick grip attachment or a couple of towels.
January 5
Tip: The Exercise You're Not Doing Enough
Make your back feel awesome and build your grip strength with this simple exercise.
December 20
Tip: Overhead Barbell Wrist Roller
The bench press and the overhead press require strong forearms and stable wrists. This bodyweight exercise helps with both.
December 15
Tip: Ball False-Grip Drill
Master the false grip to master the muscle-up and other moves. This is also a great way to strengthen your forearms.